Don't wait for a crisis to happen to come up with a strategic plan.
ESD should be a part of everyday life, not just reserved for learning what to do in worst-case scenarios.
You will be taught a range of skills you can take away and apply to your individual circumstances instead of learning a one-size-fits-all approach.
ESD Australia offers training through in-person and online workshops for women and men.
Antonella teaches you how to develop your awareness, psychological tools, verbal and physical skills. Learn how to manage your adrenaline response and embrace the healing modalities taught through a trauma-informed lens.
You will also learn how to rewire your programming so you can respond to stressful situations via interoceptive awareness, patterned and intentional movement, breathing, grounding, moving meditation, mindfulness and martial arts techniques to regulate and retrain your nervous systems.
Psychological Skills - Awareness skills, Understanding the Pattern of Behaviours, Personal Development
Verbal Skills - Assertive Communication, Boundary Setting, De-escalation and Negotiation skills
Physical Skills - Effective, Direct, Easy and Powerful
Intuitive Awareness - High Vibration, Inner Awareness, Train your Intuition.
You have self-worth or confidence issues.
You believe you don't deserve anything good in your life.
You repeat the same mistakes in your relationships.
You constantly find that there are issues with at least one person at work.
You find it hard to trust yourself when confronted by domineering personalities .
You feel disempowered to speak up when things don't feel right.
You respond with humour instead of being direct if somebody says hurtful things.
You think it's rude if you say no and don't want others to think you are rude.
You are polite and you're scared people will call you a bitch if you say no.
You promise yourself you will say no but get pressured into saying yes.
You wish you could stand up for yourself.
You continue to help others when you really want to say no You try to speak up but the other person's aggressive tone makes you feel weak.
You want to be more in control of your emotions and not freeze.
You feel taken advantage of by not having strong enough boundaries.
The good news is you're not the only one and help is here.
Antonella has helped hundreds of people all around the world, just like you, from not being confident to say no to what they don’t want and being able to say yes to what they do want. Furthermore, they are now able to assert their right to feel safe and strong without sounding like they are rude or aggressive.
Recent workshop graduates have said that Antonella's approach is unlike anything they thought it would be.
The information is relevant and thought-provoking.
The concepts are easy to understand and remember.
The practical skills are easy to learn regardless of age and ability.
Antonella's workshops are informed by over 20 years of teaching self-defence with a holistic approach to studying human behaviour with a framework around personal development and martial arts training.
Antonella has taught women all around the world, including teachers from the Philippines and women leaders from all over Asia Pacific.
In the right environment, we can retrain how we perceive our ability to assert ourselves. The ESD workshops teach you how to recognise when you are feeling confronted, pressured or stressed and you can respond in real-time before things escalate.
ESD workshops are designed to be delivered in a layered and gradual process using physical, verbal, and emotional concepts and skills. This includes grounding exercises and meditation to support the complete mind, body, and soul experience.
The workshops allow you to step into your courage zone whilst Antonella gently encourages you to tap into your power and use your voice, mind, and body to learn the techniques that bring out your inner warrior.
These workshops focus on shifting the blame on the perpetrator - so no victim-blaming, discuss issues of violence as a collective instead of alone and promote opportunities to share experiences and engage in self-autonomy to gain self-healing.
We teach a holistic style of self-protection that addresses each individual's experience. We will work with the individual and not the group ideology they may represent a group; therefore, you will be taught based on your personal experience as opposed to the collectives.
We are aware that some obvious socialisations and inequalities make physical and verbal self-protection challenging for many women regardless of cultural, socioeconomic, religion and gender.
Please get in touch to register your interest in an upcoming workshop or for Antonella to come to you to train one-on-one or in a group setting. Prices will vary. The best way to find out is to get in touch directly.
Gain insights to your areas of vulnerbilitiess so you can take your power back.
Discover your values to set strong boundaries for yourself and against others.
Learn to control your emotions so you can think clearly in times of stress.
Look, feel and act confident when someone is trying to intimidate you.